Friday January 26th, 2024 snaptosave

not, Shorty escapes, minds right down to the financial institution, but gets stopped by Gloria

not, Shorty escapes, minds right down to the financial institution, but gets stopped by Gloria

He dates back into the lender, but gets dropped by Gloria who has been promised fifty because of the Drysdale, regardless of if the guy means a birthday cake when she transforms 50

12 months 8, Event 21 Aired: 2/ The marriage To keep Shorty in line, Shad has built a cage since the a wedding show remain him from getting out. The guy will get taken back home to rehearse the marriage, and you may after a were unsuccessful shot, stay away from on financial and you will minds about secretarial pool. When he will get straight back, he gets closed from the cage, however when again outsmarts Jethro and you can let us themselves away. At mansion, the newest Clampetts and Elverna is advised a courtroom is get married Shorty and you can Elverna instantly, and Jed and Elverna check out the lending company. But before they show up, Shorty and you may Gloria get one history moving. Immediately after Jed and you can Elverna arrive, the latest legal says the guy try not to carry out a unique service, and you can Jed, Drysdale, and you will Elverna discover that Shorty and you may Gloria had hitched.

Next Jed meets the latest girls, who are lacking dudes, not much to Jed’s treat

Season 8, Episode twenty two Transmit: 2/ Annul One to Relationship Immediately following Shorty and you may Gloria get married, group although two of them wishes the marriage annulled. Gloria find she’d should feel exactly what their own new life will resemble, and you will Jed informs her you to definitely he will reveal their particular. When he calls the mansion to inform them to set-up the brand new cabin, Granny thinks the guy had hitched also. But when both “couples” come home, Granny, Jethro, and you may Elly discover that Shorty had partnered, but Elverna did not, and you may Gloria had hitched, but Jed don’t, and make Jethro and you may Granny believe both people are in a high profile matrimony. After things are cleared up, Shorty becomes secured support on cage and you will Gloria gets a first-hands connection with exactly what ranch every day life is such. Shorty campaigns Jethro to allow him outside of the crate, and inspections abreast of their the latest wife. Yet not, Gloria has zero luck since a farm wife and you may decides so it can have upwards. Shorty can’t believe exactly how much out-of chaos she seems, just in case Elverna notice the couple the relationships isn’t really appropriate, it plan to split up. But Jed later finds Shorty from the crate, having closed himself into the since the Elverna was looking good in order to your.

Season 8, Episode 23 Shown: 2/ Lodge for ladies The household can’t find Grandmother anyplace, causing them to care, primarily Jethro, since the he does not want to eat Elly’s cooking. Jed figures she actually is from the little cabin, which she is. They all plan to stay there, and you can Shorty has the mansion. The guy opens up it a lodge for women. The secretaries out-of Drysdale’s bank propose to stay indeed there and you may head to. Drysdale discovers it’s Jed’s mansion, and you may Jane data they are carrying it out as the he understands how oppressed new girls is actually. Drysdale and additionally decides to support the currency he could be saving for a christmas funds – to have himself. This new girls move around in, and you may Shorty discovers Helen and you can Gloria washing its underwear. Helen and you will Gloria hop out to set brand new table, and Jed see Shorty dangling in the clean, most of the ladies undergarments. Shorty says to Jed that they are his, assuming Jed requires Shorty concerning offered couple, Shorty says he or she is Jethro’s. He thoughts with Jed to discover the restaurants, and you can Jethro appears, troubled the jobs Shorty had utile link to possess your failed to exercise because there was no single women. Shorty says to Jethro they are unwell. At restaurants, Jethro attempts to get into to become listed on the fresh new girls. Jed, Elly, and you will Grandma is speaking of Shorty’s weird habits. Jed goes to new mansion, and finds a woman decreasing the brand new steps. The guy sees it’s Jethro, calls Shorty out, whom thinks Jethro does not browse crappy, and you will says to Shorty to go house.