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Celebrities Who Died of Alcoholism List of Famous Alcoholics

Since then, he has attended outpatient treatment and cited friends Bradley Cooper and Robert Downey Jr. as two people who have helped him with his sobriety. He explained how recovery taught him important life lessons about being honest, accountable and helping others. Most importantly, he said it helped him learn to apologize when was wrong, as he’s continued to make strides toward his sobriety today. Bradley Cooper might be known for some of his comedic roles in films like “Wedding Crashers,” but like most of us, his life has had its fair share of struggles. The federal drug laws were a response to the rampant opiate addiction problem in the USA at the end of the 19th century.

Even one night of heavy drinking can turn into alcohol poisoning, which can be fatal or even result in a deadly accident. The young starlet, like many child actresses, has publicly struggled with drug and alcohol abuse. Lohan has to work hard to stay sober, and has already had one failed attempt at rehab in 2011. In 2010, she was forced by court order to wear an alcohol detection bracelet to monitor her alcohol consumption. In 2014, Lohan had a public relapse on her reality show, demonstrating how beating alcohol addiction is indeed an ongoing battle.

Is Ozempic Really an Anti-Addiction Drug?

This famous guitarist’s career was ruined by chronic alcoholism. After his guitar career ended, he could not accept his fate. This inability to cope fueled his downward https://ecosoberhouse.com/article/10-celebrities-who-died-because-of-alcoholism/ spiral into the heavy consumption of alcohol. Elphick had a very public battle with alcoholism and at his worst was said to drink 2 liters of liquor per day.

celebrities who died of alcoholism

Cooper’s statements attest to how alcohol use disorder affects every facet of one’s life — including those closest to us. Since his recovery, the actor has gone on to direct and star in many successful films, including 2018’s “A Star Is Born,” for which he earned raves for his directing skills and acting performance. Later, Osler, as Halsted’s physician, had a secret diary that documented Halsted’s continued addiction to morphine. As long as he lived, he will occasionally have a relapse and go back on the drug.” Thus, Halsted led a life of controlled addiction. It is conceivable that a supportive, mutually trusting doctor-patient relationship played a large role in causing this favorable outcome, allowing Halsted’s numerous achievements despite his addiction.

The longer you drink, the worse your detox

English actor Oliver Reed died of a heart attack during a break from filming ‘Gladiator’ (2000). Veronica Lake was an actress best known for her femme fatale film roles. She was very successful initially, but her career quickly declined, in part due to her drinking.

After staying sober for over two decades, he relapsed in 2013 and fatally overdosed in 2014. He had ingested heroin, cocaine, amphetamines, and benzodiazepines. In 2009, film star Brittany Murphy died of pneumonia, anemia, and a prescription drug overdose. She had ingested a variety of over-the-counter and prescription drugs, including acetaminophen, hydrocodone, and levomethamphetamine. Saturday Night Live star Chris Farley struggled with substance abuse throughout his career. In 1997, he experienced a fatal overdose after mixing cocaine and morphine.

Philip Seymour Hoffman (Cocaine, Heroin, Benzodiazepines, & Amphetamines)

Scott’s friends say that he was reckless with drugs and alcohol for years before his death. Actor and comedian Verne Troyer, well known for playing Mini-Me in the ‘Austin Powers’ film series, died at the age of 49 in 2018. He had spent time in rehab to treat his alcoholism but following his death, it was ruled that he had taken his own life through alcohol poisoning. Although reports of fanatics who claim to have spotted “The King” are a common occurrence, Presley died in 1977 at his Graceland home in Tennessee at the age of 42. Toxicologists noted at least eight different barbiturates and narcotics in his body at the time, according to People.

After shooting to fame in the 1986 classic film Stand by Me, Phoenix died in 1993 at just 23 years of age, outside of the Viper Room club on Los Angeles’s Sunset Strip. Rumors first began of drug use when Phoenix filmed My Own Private Idaho, in which he played a gay hustler to critical acclaim. His death, from an overdose of cocaine and morphine, firmly secured his place in pop culture as a talented actor who died too early. When alcohol consumption becomes abusive, it’s time to seek treatment.

Amy Winehouse died of alcohol poisoning, second inquest confirms

Affleck is successful, wealthy, and one of Hollywood’s elite. He certainly does not fit the typical stereotype of an alcoholic. Ben openly admitted in interviews that he suffers from alcoholism.